Modern Slavery Policy

1.1 Purpose

Allied International Credit (AIC) will not tolerate modern slavery or human trafficking in our organisation or in our supply chain. This statement sets out the steps that we have taken to eliminate, as far as possible, the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking taking place.

1.2 Overview

Group Structure

Allied International Credit (AIC), are a subsidiary of Bill Gosling Outsourcing, a company based in Canada, with offices and employees worldwide, in locations such as Canada, United States, United Kingdom and the Philippines. Allied International Credit (AIC) is dealing primarily with Financial Services and Utility companies. We have been active within the United Kingdom for over 50 years, and pride ourselves on our commitment to ethical business practices.

Supply Chains

Our supply chains include suppliers of Information Technology and other office equipment, professional services, office cleaning and other office facilities services, and print production services.

Policy on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking

We commit to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to eliminate, as far as possible, the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking taking place anywhere in our business or supply chains. Our commitment is documented within our Global HR Policy Manual and Employee Handbook within various policies such as:

  • Immigration Law Compliance
  • Equal Opportunities Policy
  • Workplace Harassment and Offensive Behaviour Policy
  • Health and Safety
  • Minimum Pay Standards

Due Diligence Process

We have determined that we are in a low risk industry for slavery and human trafficking and have robust processes for pre-employment background checks which include legal right to work; credit checking, reference checking, proof of address history, criminal background and terrorist sanctions checks. In addition as part of our Business Management System, we have strict Vendor Approval Processes in place to ensure that vendor guidelines are aligned to our standards and audits are also conducted.

1.3 Review

This policy is reviewed at a minimum annually, or where changes to regulatory requirements are identified.

Issue Date: 04/08/23

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